Medical Thermography

Restore U has proudly partnered with Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis since 2017. They come to our offices every three months to offer medical thermography.

Medical Thermography of Metro St. Louis has been the leading provider of Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) since 2009 in the St. Louis and surrounding areas. DITI is a non-invasive clinical imaging procedure used to detect and monitor many diseases and physical injuries by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body. We monitor inflammation, vascular activity, and lymphatic activity over time to help you maintain optimum health.

What are the benefits of Thermology?

  • Early Detection of Health Issues

  • Musculoskeletal Assessments

  • Stress and Relaxation Monitoring

  • Skin Health Evaluation

  • Circulation and Vascular Health

  • Wellness Assessments

  • Non-invasive and Painless

  • Integrative Health Approach

Early Detection of Health Issues:

Thermography can identify temperature variations that may indicate early signs of inflammation, circulatory issues, or other abnormalities. By detecting these changes early on, individuals can seek further medical evaluation and preventive care, potentially avoiding more significant health problems in the future.

Musculoskeletal Assessments

Thermography can help assess musculoskeletal conditions such as muscle injuries, joint inflammation, and nerve-related issues. It can be used as a complementary tool in conjunction with other diagnostic methods to aid in the evaluation and monitoring of treatment progress.

Stress and Relaxation Monitoring

Thermology can provide insights into an individual's stress levels and relaxation response. By monitoring temperature changes associated with stress and relaxation, health spas can design personalized stress management programs for their clients.

Skin Health Evaluation

Thermography can assess skin health and identify potential issues such as inflammation, circulation problems, or compromised areas, guiding the development of appropriate skincare treatments.

Circulation and Vascular Health

By analyzing temperature patterns, thermology can offer insights into blood flow and vascular health. It can assist in identifying areas with reduced blood circulation or potential signs of vascular issues.

Wellness Assessments

Health spas can incorporate thermology as part of a comprehensive wellness assessment for their clients. This can include assessing overall health trends over time and using thermographic images as a baseline for tracking progress.

Non-invasive and Painless:

Thermography is a non-invasive and painless procedure, making it suitable for individuals seeking gentle and comfortable health evaluations in a spa environment.

Integrative Health Approach

Integrating thermology with other wellness services offered by the health spa, such as nutrition consultations, fitness programs, and relaxation therapies, can provide a holistic approach to improving overall health and well-being.