Vitamin Infusion Therapy

Vitamin C, also known as Acorbic Acid, is a water soluble vitamin that the body does not produce. Healthy diet and supplementation is the only way to ensure that you have sufficient vitamin c. Many people get Vitamin C infusions for general wellness purposes, and as a means of naturally boosting immune health. But many times our patients choose to get vitamin c infusions to help with allergies, iron absorption, energy, tissue regeneration, weight loss, hydration and even infections.

What sets us apart from other “IV” places is that we can customize a protocol based on exactly what the patient needs, through bloodwork analysis and our guided plans. We can also tell how well the regenerative services are working by utilizing follow up blookwork. IV bags can be beneficial for wellness purposes, but when fighting underlying issues, this is far superior.

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Why Choose a Vitamin C IV?

Helping you stay hydrated: IV fluids hydrate the body and contain electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals responsible for several functions in the body, including maintaining pH levels, fueling cells with nutrients, helping cells shed waste, and supporting proper function of the brain, heart, muscles, and nerves.

90% absorption: Because Vitamin C is delivered directly into the bloodstream, none is lost in the digestive process, allowing 90% or more of the treatment to be absorbed. With most oral supplements, digestion breaks down the vitamin, limiting how much is absorbed into the body to 50%.

Can be combined with other treatments: Other vitamins, medications, and treatments can be combined with Vitamin C infusions, allowing you to streamline treatments. You can discuss with your doctor whether this is a beneficial option for you

Whats included in our High Dose Vitamin C Bag?

High dose Vitamin C, Magnesium, Calcium, B12, and a full B-Complex, along with Saline. Our bags are not premade bags, we customize and prepare all of our bags with nothing but the highest quality of nutrients.


The Pricing for our Vitmain C Bags are $130. If you opt to join our Monthly drip club, they are $115. We also have bulk pricing as well.


Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that the body makes and as we age we produce less and less. Many refer to it as the anti aging queen because of it helps to combat free radicals. Other known benefits can include detoxification, helping in breaking down nutrients, repair DNA and regulating Immune response. Glutathione can be taken orally, but at RestoreU we administer it through an IV push or a smaller dose injection. Many will add this to their IV service for $20-$55 depending on the dosage.

Myers Cocktail

Also includes, B-Vitamins, Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin C. Smaller dose

For those looking for a more time efficient and cost effective way to receive intravenous nutrients, this is a great option.