
Brittany had been to neurologists and countless doctors to find help for her serious medical conditions.

Brittany jumped all in with the care provided here, and began her spinal corrective care program, attended her nutrition class, and made sure to get her functional lab panel and implemented the protocols prescribed by the doc.

Since May 2021 Brittany has:






Garrett Family

Thanks to my PT’s and Desired Health Chiropractic I feel like I haven’t only gotten my life back, but I got it back in a way that is better than it has ever been. Putting in the work wasn’t easy in the beginning but it was so worth the healthy life style myself and my family have adopted in so many ways! If you are dealing with any health issues big or small, back/neck pain related or not I strongly suggest checking out Desired Health Chiropractic. They’re truly doing Gods work through their services and if your like me, the shock factor of the amount of things they can NATURALLY help aid, correct and/or prevent is absolutely unbelievable.

Their staff and facility is contagiously inviting and supportive.

I seriously wish I could tell everyone about them because their isn’t a single person that wouldn’t benefit from the care they have to offer.

Glen and Brandolyn



Glen and Brandolyn came into the clinic in February 2022 ready to make a CHANGE in how they care for their health after 20 years in "modern medicine" with no results.

Brandolvn had several medical issues including Hashimoto's and lack of sleep due to hip and back pain. Glen said she would cry at night due to the pain.

Glen has high blood pressure and compression fractures in his back. Together, they also suffered with incremental weight gain over the 20 year period.

Their struggle trying to regain their health in the conventional way has been exhausting. They tried it all - Calorie counting, Weight Watchers, Slim Fast.

Glen and Brandolyn were considering weight loss surgery in order to get the results they needed for their health. Every diet seemed to be just a set up for failure.

It's hard to raise a family when you are exhausted. They have a beautiful family and wanted to enjoy an active life together! But even going to the zoo was anxiety inducing for Glen because of the pain it would cause in their bodies!

BUT NOW AFTER STARTING THEIR CHIROPRACTIC CARE AND IMPLEMENTING THE NUTRITION PLAN TAUGHT AT THE OFFICE, and working with Dr. Abe, Director of Functional Medicine; Glen and Brandolyn's lives have changed!


Reagan had been on medications for her stomach issues since she was 6 WEEKS OLD.

As an infant she was diagnosed with acid reflux and had been on a prescribed medication since! But Reagan says that even with the medication she always had stomach pain and discomfort. For 17 years this young lady dealt with daily vomiting, lethargy, headaches, and anxiety in social situations about her stomach issues flaring up.

In September 2021, Reagan came in for her spinal examination. Her x-rays showed that she had lost her cervical curve. A cervical curvature is an important aspect of spinal biomechanics as it supports the head and allows for proper neurological function for the brain sending signals to the rest of the body functions, including digestion!

Dr. Abe also suggested the importance of performing a food sensitivity text to see if there were dietary factors affecting Reagan's ability to digest foods. Reagan notes that no other doctor even suggested looking into food sensitivities. Regan's results are phenomenal! 

Reagan has been absolutely faithful to show up for her care! She has implemented the eating plan prescribed and been faithful with her spinal adiustments and exercises to restore her normal cervical curvature and neurological function!






-NO MORE MEDICATIONS (that she had taken since infancy!)

We are absolutely beaming proud of Reagan! This is a young lady who got the information she needed and then put it into practice to improve her own health!


Steve started coming to Desired Health Chiropractic in January this year after his entire family, wife, daughters and grandchildren had great results! Steve was prepared to go all in on getting his health back! He was tired of never feeling like doing anything or going anywhere. His days consisted of staying home and sitting in his recliner. He also reported he felt tired and grumpy.

Steve started a Care Plan to remove subluxation in his spinal column and scheduled to have Dr. Abe go over lab work and recommendations with him! His results are incredible!!!!

His blood sugar went from the high 400s to below 100!!!! His triglycerides went from 808 to 118. AND HE LOST 31 POUNDS IN TWO MONTHS!

His medical doctor took him off his metformin and they are working on being able to come off his statin medications!!!!

We are super proud of Steve and his whole family. Because they take care of their own health; they can continue to give to others in their churches and communities.