Weight Loss Programs

Achieving healthy weight loss includes some key factors that include healthy eating, movement, mindset and stress reduction, good sleep patterns, to name a few. The understanding that creating a lifestyle that you can consistently maintain will be the key. Most importantly, understanding why you want to lose weight? Why you want to become a healthy individual.

Nutrition Class

At Restore U, we believe that education is Important. While healthy eating is necessary, understanding WHAT is healthy is vital. You see, our standard American diet is failing us. In fact the low fat, low calorie diet is also failing us. But why? This is what we discuss during our class. Each month a nutrition class is offered. We talk about key points that consist of inflammation, toxins, sugar and bad fats. You must be registered for this event to attend. Contact us for more information about our Nutrition Class.

Comprehensive Approach

Many patients opt to look a bit deeper into their bloodwork to aid in losing weight. Findings that may arise include underactive thyroid, hormonal imbalances, chronic stress, toxic overload, sluggish liver, and many are insulin resistant. This approach begin with an Initial consultation. We then will run our custom bloodwork panel. Lastly, schedule a follow up appointment that include all results, recommendations for nutrition and supplementation. At times, other lab work may be necessary. This could include extensive hormone panels, GI testing, or food sensitivity testing.